Adres siedziby:
Bank Pekao SA - Centrala
ul. Grzybowska 53/57
skrytka pocztowa 1008
00-950 Warszawa

Infolinia Banku Peako SA:
801 365 365
42 68 38 232

(379 opinii)

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379 Opinie

Hello, Recently I had a situation when a pretty large amount of money was stolen from my account in Pekao bank. According to the statement there were 2 operations at one day from unknown Chinese account, certainly not made by me. I went to the bank around 10 times, trying to resolve it and return back my money, but no luck - at first they promised to return me everything like "100%", but as longer it took, as less possible it seem to be. At the end I heard that Chinese bank didn't see there any cheating evidence, so I cannot count for the return at all, and my bank has nothing more to do with it. At the end, I just left without any money and any hope for the return.
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